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Encounter Weekend

“In such a group the individual comes to know himself and each of the others more completely than is possible in the usual social or working relationships. "

Carl Rogers (1969)

Encounter groups allow deeper connections, understandings and processes. Often when we encounter others on such a level and in such a person-centred way, we discover parts of ourself and others.

As a student my experiences of encounter weekend were incredibly impactful.

No weekend was the same, and yet each weekend I left with deep feelings of thought, inquisition, and fulfilment. Encounter group's pushed me to explore myself in a way I had never been able to. They also deepened my understanding of others and the world and forced me to challenge my own perceptions and belief's.

As a facilitator of an encounter group, my role shifts slightly from a participant, to a guide. My presence as a facilitator is to support and guide the group process to where the group takes it. This is often done by listening without judgement, supporting the group with navigating their experiences, and offering empathy and compassion. I may also often help to resolve any conflict or difficult encounters, acknowledge individual's experience, help to bring people in to the group, and create space for meaningful connections to take place​

As part of the MA PCECP course at University of Nottingham, students are required to attend a group experience called encounter weekend.​ Encounter weekend on this course takes place over 2 days, typically on a weekend, and will occur twice in one academic year i.e. one weekend in November, and one weekend in March. ​During encounter weekend, all cohorts of the PCECP course are invited to attend. Groups can range from as large as 50-60 people, to as small as 4 individuals.​

The person-centred encounter group is a therapeutic and experiential process. Being in a person-centred environment and group provides an opportunity to meet one another in a deeper, more personal way. ​

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